Posts Tagged ‘molly and monet’


In 1904 The former Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, of Australia, supported the International Assembly on Managing the Psychology of Fear and Terror by inviting several world leaders to join him in the spirit of global collaboration.   At that time, distinguished  former world leaders including George H. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gobachev,

Grief Areas That Can Be Utilized In Molly And Monet »

Grief Areas That Can Be Utilized In Molly And Monet

A Grief book written by Dr. Diane R. Isaacs, Ph.D Allegorically written through the eyes of two dogs, and sold all over Asia and United States Grieving is over when it is over.  Everyone takes their own time to go from the person they were with (the loved one they have lost in their lives), to the individuals they are going to be when they