Sometimes the sky is dark, but sometimes the clouds are after rain, and the skies will turn blue again, just like moods.
As a treating psychologist, depression is one of the first questions I ask after obtaining, the necessities, and a questionnaire as to why they are here for me to help them.
Depression is a major component. If in
About three months ago, our gardener who has been with us for years, came up with another idea. I do not like to call him my gardener, but but by his given name Jorge....Jorge and we have had multiple conversations over a fantastic amount of subjects. At first his wife, Guadalupe, worked with him to plant flowers, which is a love of hers.
My husband and I just took our two spoiled, loved, and devoted standard poodles for Play Time at our usual spot. Mandy, a black standard poodle, and Mindy a Silver Phantom Poodle, love to run and run and Mandy pays no attention to anything except her favorite blue ball.
This special spot almost always has someone who we always strike up a
Beauty on the ground and beauty on the sky!
In the past 2 days, there seems to be a conversation from a member who has not visited our conversations in a long time. There was a conversation that started about living on, and seemingly to feel better, and voila! symptomatology began again. Our member turned to the group, again validating
I have been in contact with the Administraion of Post Concussion Syndrome, which is a private group made up of over 3300 members and unfortunately growing. The formal name is Post Concussion Syndrome Awareness UK and Worldwide. They state on their information that this about Bringing Awareness, News, Education and
COMMENTS: RE: Post Concussion Syndrome....In their own words......
The following are a few comments from Post Concussion survivors, who are daily attempting to cope, and find new ways to be:
I am one of those, who is only 5 l/2 months into this dilemma. I never ever understood what others with a concussion went through, until, now
yesterday, my husband and I were sitting on the patio with a gentleman who was completing our Solar Installation.
We sat down, in our backyard to look at what had just transpired. A fine Hispanic gentleman, began to talk. He had been here before to look at what we needed to do, and to supervise the installment of Solar.
He asked why I
Post Concussion Syndrome and PTSD ........
It began on a winter morning, when I was in a rush. I know the drill, and yet I failed the drill, because I fell, down 3 steps, knowing all too well, that I was going to fall. I immediately in those few frightening seconds had the sense to judge, where should I land? Being very familiar with
A very good friend of mine since childhood posted something this morning on money which triggered my own experience, which I would like to share. To this day, Sheila is one of my oldest and dearest friends.
The way that this situation was handled between my mother and I stayed with me most of my life. It ultimately was a fine lesson in